Xah Keyboard Blog Archive 2020-09
Logitech G815/G915, Kailh Choc Switch
minor updates. The logitech gl switch are just Kailh Choc Switch .
Fujitsu KBPC E, Ergosplit Keyboard
minor update
Programable Keyboards with Onboard Memory
minor update
Ultimate Hacking Keyboard version 2 is out. see Ultimate Hacking Keyboard
Wooden Keyboard
minor update
There is a way to type i think 200 wpm by a shorthand system. And that's not the planck plover faak. Planck Keyboard. But a shorthand system designed for typing. There are many shorthand system designed before, but they are designed for hand writing.
xtodo write a essay about this. list and summarize all past shorthand systems, and phonetic systems. and show my abbrev system. also look into basic English, its vocabulary. identify the most common words. also identify the most comment parts of words. remember, phonetic system is a key. try to use that.
xtodo currently reworking my JavaScript app for plotting keyboard layout and character frequency
Speed Typing on Multiple Layouts (QWERTY, Dvorak, Colemak)
minor update
Mac Keyboard Shortcuts
update. Screenshot using terminal.
And best way to copy file path on Mac.
Keyboard Layout, Is Inverted Number Row Better?
minor update
Moonlander Keyboard
added reason about inward thumb bend.
Why Function Keys F1 to F12 Are Useful
added a video.
What is the Most Efficient Keyboard Layout?
minor update.
Programer's Dvorak
minor update.
Japanese Keyboard Layouts minor update.
history. Microsoft revolutionized the keyboard scene in 1994. Microsoft Natural Keyboard. updated.

- https://youtu.be/HCGwaJOkOvQ?start=1634
- Review of Microsoft sculpt keyboard and story of my Repetitive Strain Injury
- clips from Xah Talk Show 2020-12-02 emacs Sentence Lines, my RSI, Microsoft Sculpt Keyboard, Function Keys
Function Key vs Key Chord, Which is Healthier, Which is Faster?
Efficient Layout for Numbers
minor update
never buy keyboard with function keys in a continuous row
Why Function Keys F1 to F12 Are Useful
minor updates.
Mistel Barocco Split Keyboard now has wireless bluetooth!
Gergo Keyboard more photo of gergo.
TRON Keyboard
new photo
good compact wireless ergo keyboard
Gonna buy this. Need wireless. No other good alternative. I need it for use with Microsoft Surface Pro.
The alternative is either keychron or niz plum. Keychron not too expensive but not ergo. Or i really want niz plum but too expensive. Plus, they not ergo.
Faak. My Gergo Keyboard broke. Now back to X-Bows Keyboard, for use when in bed typing on my Microsoft Surface Pro 4, 2015

It happened about twice before, gergo would start to type random by itself. Unplug and replug solved the problem. Today it happened again. But i unplugged the keyboard side instead. After replug, it doesn't work. Repeat replug still the case. When holding a key on the right side, it would then type a string about 20 or so repetition of the key. And i realized, if i unplug the cable that connect them, the right side works fine. .
end of the ergonomic keyboard evolution
I think the ergonomic evolution, began in 2013 by Truly Ergonomic then Ergodox in DIY, with onset of 3d printing and mech keyswitch craze, is over. There is not much new that haven't been explored.
- Ahegao keycaps. PBT Dye Sublimation. 108 Keycap Set. OEM Profile Buy at amazon
- Ahegao keycaps. PBT Dye Sublimation. 108 Keycap Set. OEM Profile Buy at amazon
- Ahegao Mousepad Buy at amazon
massive key switch master
Max Keyboard All in One Mechanical Keyswitch Tester with Labeled PBT Keycaps Buy at amazon
See also: Keyboard Key Switch Mechanisms
Tangent Ripple Grading Panel
someone bought this.
Windows: Keyboard Shortcuts
minor update
Evoluent Vertical Mouse minor update.
Perixx came out with many colorful 34 mm balls for trackball. Trackball Ball Replacement
amazon goodies.
and added protective case to:
more photo and review.
Dumang DK6 Keyboard
added a comment
Sonder Keyboard, 5 years, seems still no product. added video
minor update.
you buy! Sennheiser HD 820 Headphone Buy at amazon
Backspace Key: Key Label's Influence on Key Purpose
minor update
Sun Microsystems Type 6 Keyboard
added a type 7 photo.
minor updates.
- my earliest keyboard blog, year 2006. Computer Keyboards, Year 1999 to 2006
- Happy Hacking Keyboard (HHKB)
- Linux: xmodmap Tutorial
- a survey of Microsoft Keyboards, 2011 Microsoft Keyboards ⌨
- Alt Graph Key, Compose Key, Dead Key
Programable Keypad
Univac F-1355-00 Keyboard, 1971
added a video.
French Letter Frequency, updated.
todo, work on JavaScript to make the interactive char counter app to also show keyboard heatmap.
- Character Frequency Plot
- French Letter Frequency
- Japanese Character Frequency (Hiragana)
- Computer Languages Characters Frequency
- Dvorak vs Colemak write JavaScript svg for bigram and word frequency. remove static images, check all pages.
- Keyboard Layout, Is Inverted Number Row Better? make the char frequency interactive on each page. remove static image, check all pages.
- French Letter Frequency, remove static heatmap image. add JavaScript svg.
- Pinyin Letter Frequency 拼音字母頻率
Major update. Write JavaScript + SVG for all keyboard layout diagrams. Still have lots improvements to do.
- Keyboard Key Switch Loudness Comparison. updated
- CM Storm NovaTouch keyboard, failed
Arrow Keys History added several more photos.
review, updated, repost.
Logitech G604 Mouse added optimal setup for web browsing.